Comments on: American vs. Korean Dramas /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/ "Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind." - Virginia Woolf Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:10:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Madame Writer /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-9682 Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:10:12 +0000 In reply to Jane.

I’m so glad you feel the same way! Covid does feel like the time to binge shows, and no shows are better to binge than Asian dramas. I’m currently trying to get my boyfriend into watching them too. Thank you and best wishes in your Asian drama watching!


By: Jane /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-9679 Fri, 25 Sep 2020 17:17:51 +0000 I discovered K-dramas, Chinese, and Taiwanese Dramas during Covid! I was pleased to see your clear comparisons between K-Dramas and American Dramas. I’ve tried to explain to my husband why I love K-dramas so much and this clarifies what I’ve been feeling too. Watching K, C, T- drama has brought me such joy during this difficult time!!!

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By: Madame Writer /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-8531 Tue, 09 Jun 2020 11:09:56 +0000 In reply to graceskylar.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it and I had a lot of fun writing it. It’s interesting to examine how different the two cultures are.


By: graceskylar /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-8530 Mon, 08 Jun 2020 21:16:35 +0000 stumbled across this post and really loved it! Your memes made me laugh – I was going to make a blog post talking about the differences between k-dramas and American shows as well since I’ve been binging lots of k-dramas lately and am seeing a profound difference in both cultures. I definitely definitely agree with all of your points up there! Thanks for this!

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By: Madame Writer /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-8364 Sun, 10 May 2020 12:55:09 +0000 In reply to Janet.

I’m glad you found my post useful! And I agree. Korean dramas realize the darker aspects of life while still appreciating the simple beauty in it.


By: Janet /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-8357 Sat, 09 May 2020 20:24:49 +0000 Oh you just perfectly summed up what I had in my mind. And you have good observational skills. Now I can explain to my friends better why I prefer k-drama over American TV shows. I especially dislike it when they over simply the act of having sex with many people. While in k-drama the little things in life are made beautiful and of course dramatically portrayed but I love it. Haha.

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By: Madame Writer /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-3955 Sat, 09 Feb 2019 14:25:42 +0000 In reply to 陆河.

It’s interesting to hear thoughts on American dramas from someone outside of America. The uncertainty of romantic relationships is one of my pet peeves about American tv too. I want to see people fall in love, build their relationship, and marry. I don’t want to see hook-ups and then break-ups. But for someone who didn’t grow up with American tv tropes, I can see how interesting it might be to watch them, especially sitcoms. There are some good American tv shows, but they are rarer than bad ones.

It’s interesting that you mention that China doesn’t have sex education, because America has the opposite problem. We have too much sex education, encouraging kids to have sex when they are still in high school, as long as they use protection. I think there is a fine balance in teaching children about sex, and neither country seems to have achieved it yet. Maybe someday!

And yes, I’m pretty sure every Korean director wants to make you cry! Even in Korean comedies, they are usually contain very dark scenes. I have watched both Korean movies and dramas and I agree that they are very different. Even the movie comedies are darker. Korea has some great war movies as well.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic! I’m really curious to know what other people think of these two country’s tv shows.

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By: 陆河 /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-3951 Sat, 09 Feb 2019 11:26:26 +0000 ]]> It is a very interesting comparison! Though I haven’t watched many TV series, according to my experiences, I totally agree with you! My main complaint about American dramas are the length and the uncertainty of relationships. Take the example of Desperate Housewives, it has so many episodes and many people in it have an affair with their neighbors. Two characters go out on a date. Then They get married. They divorce. They respectively go out with someone else in the neighborhood. And they get married again… It is dramatic to some degree, but it makes me drained… And in my opinion, too many dramatic twists and turns more or less damage the consistency of the characters.
But American dramas are really intriguing. And I like to watch the sitcoms. I don’t know if it’s due to cultural differences, or if it’s because I haven’t watched enough American dramas, some tropes native audience might get sick of seem not so annoying to me. I find them unique and I’m curious about everything different from China. For example, sex. In American dramas, sex is normal and natural while in China, we still don’t have proper sexual education. Sex is something we avoid talking about (even between parents and their kids), it’s getting better these years, though. Saying that, I agree that there’re sexual scenes in American dramas that actually add nothing to the plot.

Speaking of Korean drama, I feel they’re romantic. And sometimes it feels the director and screenwriter like to make people cry… too much… (and so do Chinese dramas). By the way, I find korean dramas and korean movies are quite different. Korean movies, from my point of view, are more serious and they pay more attention to dark sides.

And it’s just my humble opinion! 😊

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By: Madame Writer /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-3420 Sun, 23 Dec 2018 03:31:02 +0000 In reply to Bette A. Stevens.

They are really interesting!

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By: Bette A. Stevens /2016/12/24/american-vs-korean-dramas/comment-page-1/#comment-3418 Sun, 23 Dec 2018 00:49:36 +0000 Fascinating and informative comparison. I haven’t watched any Korean series, but I think I would enjoy them.

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